About Us
BSEG is an organization of 38 member Tribes from the Kuskokwim Bay to the Bering Strait. BSEG members are Cup’ik, Yup’ik, St. Lawrence Island Yupik, and Inupiaq, and each Tribal government appoints an Elder Representative to serve on the BSEG Elders Board.
2023-2026 Executive Committee and Officers
- Jerry Ivanoff, Chair (Native Village of Unalakleet)
- John Waghiyi, Jr., Vice-Chair (Native Village of Savoonga)
- William Igkurak, Treasurer (Native Village of Kwigillingok)
- Mary Ann Mike, Secretary (Village of Kotlik)
- John Twitchell, Sr. (Kasigluk Traditional Council)
- Ferdinand J. Carter (Native Village of Eek)
- Charles Moses (Nunakauyak Traditional Council)
- Axel Jackson (Native Village of Shaktoolik)
- Lucy Apatiki (Native Village of Gambell)
BSEG is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

2024 Summit
- 2024 Resolution uplifting our traditional ways of life, committing to sharing those ways of life with our youth, and recognizing that indigenous voices and ways must be centered in the stewardship of our lands, waters, and resources.
- 2024 Resolution to address waste of our resources, increase accountability, and fully honor the promises that the United States made to Alaska Native people.
2023 Summit
- 2023 Resolution Expressing Appreciation and Continued Support for the Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area Executive Order and Calling for Sustained Funding and Protections for the Northern Bering Sea.
- 2023 Resolution Declaring a Disaster in Our Traditional Waters of the Bering Sea and Calling for a Holistic Plan to Restore Balance to the Interconnected Bering Sea Web of Life.
2019 Summit
- 2019 Resolution Requiring Researchers and Funders to Engage Western Alaska Communities in a Co-Production of Knowledge Approach on All Research Activities and to Directly Fund Knowledge Holders, Tribes, and Native Organizations for Such Efforts
- 2019 Resolution Supporting Establishment of a Permanent Bottom Trawl Boundary and Management Plan to Protect the Fisheries and Hunting in the Northern Bering Sea
2018 Summit
- 2018 Resolution Supporting Establishment of a Permanent Bottom Trawl Boundary to Protect the Fisheries and Hunting in the Northern Bering Sea
- 2018 Resolution Reaffirming Request to Reinstate the Provisions of the Executive Order Creating the Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area
- 2018 Resolution on the Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
2017 Summit
2016 Summit
2014 Summit
2011 Summit
- 2011 Resolution Expressing a Vision for the Bering Sea
- 2011 Resolution Calling for Amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
- 2011 Resolution Expressing Our Mission
- 2011 Resolution to Support Completion of Subsistence Maps
- 2011 Resolution to Protect the Northern Bering Sea
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